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    Local business needs substantial remedies now, and they need to be able to re-open for good




  • What is the Main Street Matters Class Action Fund?


    Many local businesses are suffering extensive losses due to the closures that resulted from Governor Brown's Executive Order 20-12. While some businesses were allowed to remain open provided they met social distancing guidelines, a significant number of business were forced to close, with no opportunity to illustrate how they could safely operate under the social distancing guidelines. These included salons, retail, personal services, gyms and fitness studios, museums and art galleries, and a host of other types of businesses. As a result, thousands of workers found themselves without employment. For some, this has meant losing their business - and their livelihood. 


    OSCC is calling on Governor Brown and lawmakers to give local businesses and their employees the same consideration given to others during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Local businesses and their employees have shouldered the largest costs imposed by state government and now is the time to help them recover.


    Every dollar of your contribution will help us provide a share of relief to the small businesses who have been forced to bear the burden of the Governor's Executive Order 20-12.



    OSCC Legislative Counsel, JL Wilson, joined Rick Dancer for a Facebook Live interview on January 28, 2021. Wilson talked about the Main Street Matters Class Action, as well as several bills in the 2021 Legislative Session that could impact the business community. 

    You can watch the full interview here. 











  • Checks can be sent to:

    Main Street Matters Class Action Fund
    PO Box 12945
    Salem, OR 97309

    Checks should be made payable to Main Street Matters Class Action Fund